Printer software v1.44.1 is a special release required for customers installing an AO Backpack prior to the release of v1.45 (expected in 2025). Printers without a Backpack will not receive v1.44.1.
Printers paired with an AO Backpack will receive occasional patch updates to v1.44.1 to improve Backpack functionality. Please install all updates promptly.
- v1.44.1-1762.52 available 09/27/2024
- v1.44.1-1762.70 available 10/24/2024
- v1.44.1-1762.75 available 10/31/2024
- v1.44.1-1762.78 available 11/18/2024
- v1.44.1-1762.79 available 12/18/2024
We are excited to offer the AO Backpack to enhance dental labs’ throughput and capabilities. Contact the Carbon Support Team at [email protected] to share feedback.
v1.44.1-1762.52 is the minimum software version needed to operate a printer with a Backpack. This software version includes:
- The printer’s ability to control the Backpack’s key functions (eg, fill resin; remove parts) and run print cycles automatically
- The machine’s ability to automatically remove debris from the cassette
- Updates to the printer’s touchscreen to allow users to interact with the Backpack and see the status of an automation cycle
- Print Preparation functionality to create rafted supports, which must be used for certain types of dental models to ensure that excess debris is not created during automatic part removal
v1.44.1-1762.52 is restricted to Backpack functionality only, and there are no changes to how parts are printed.
Customers are trained on basic Backpack operation at the time of installation.
v1.44.1-1762.70 includes the following enhancements to automatic printing functionality:
- More capably handles situations in which resin refill operates sub-optimally (eg, due to minor performance degradation caused by soiled tubing/filters consistent with regular use patterns)
- Resolves a bug in which certain prints completed prior to installation of the Backpack could erroneously be marked as having been printed in Auto Mode
- Improvements to the recovery workflow (used after the machine encounters certain errors or an emergency stop)
- Various changes to improve the resilience of the system during certain uncommon use cases or error conditions
Note that Carbon has observed that in some situations, the printer door may exhibit unexpected behavior when closing (moving slowly; “bouncing” slightly at the top or bottom of its motion). This behavior does not typically impact normal printer operation, and we are continuing to investigate potential fixes. Contact [email protected] if you encounter disruptive door behavior on your printer(s). Update November 18, 2024: This issue is resolved with v1.44.1-1762.78 (see below). Contact [email protected] if you encounter disruptive door behavior on your printer(s).
v1.44.1-1762.75 disallows use of standard M3 platforms with any printer that has an installed Backpack, even when operating in manual mode, to avoid damage to the resin spout. Use designated AO Platforms, which can be visually identified by their flat side rails, at all times when printing on Backpack-enabled printers. Carbon is revising the resin spout design and will restore the ability to use standard M3 platforms for manual prints after new resin spouts have been provided to all customers with Backpacks.
v1.44.1-1762.78 resolves documented issues with door movement, in which a printer door might open/close extremely slowly, “bounce” at the top or bottom of the movement path, or fail to open/close fully.
v1.44.1-1762.79 reduces the likelihood of unexpected resin refill failures in the presence of environmental factors such as vibration.