Hello. Thank you so much for your support and engagement with our teams. Your feedback helps drive our development process and makes our products better.
In this release, we’ve included the following improvements to your print process:
- Reduction in print-to-print variation
- Gradient overhang tool
We can’t wait to hear from you about this release. Keep printing great parts and sharing your feedback.
If you have any questions, please contact the Carbon Service Team at [email protected].
In order to reduce variation from print to print on the same printer, select resins will be heated to a minimum of 30C before starting the print in order to mitigate the impact of ambient temperature shifts.
The following resins are impacted:
- RPU 70
- EPU 40
- EPU 41 (Green and Black)
- CE 221
- EPX 82
- EPX 86FR
- MPU 100
- SIL 30
This change is only implemented for M3 and L1 printers, and M2 printers using a C5 heated cassette.
With this change, estimated print-to-print accuracy variation for a given feature decreases from 9.9um to 7.9um (roughly a 20% reduction in variation), bringing a total reduction in variation of ~2.5% (as calculated print-to-print and across build).
Some prints – particularly builds containing shorter, thicker parts and/or builds that use elastomeric resins – will also see a reduction in print time due to decreased resin viscosity. Print time changes are modest, with expected impact ranging from two to ten minutes.
As a result of this new feature, you may see a “heating” notification upon starting a print as the resin comes up to the new minimum temperature. This heating delay will in most cases last no more than two to three minutes (and in many cases will be less than one), and should have no impact on your overall production time due to the print time reduction described above.
We’ve made it easier for you to identify where you need to add supports to your part, and where supports may not be needed.
Carbon’s overhang detection tool has long allowed you to identify areas of your model that may require support structures due to the relative angle between the part and the platform. With this software release, you now have access to more nuanced information via a rainbow-colored gradient that helps you easily visualize part angle so that you can make more informed decisions about support placement.
This additional information will help you identify critical areas that require robust support structures, while also making apparent areas that may require no or fewer supports so that you can achieve successful prints without over-supporting.

As before, you can adjust the slider to your preferred angle based on your specific design and processes, and visuals will update accordingly.
You can learn more about using the gradient overhang tool – and get a refresh on other functionality – by reviewing the “Printer UI ” course on Carbon Academy.
While the features described above are the most noticeable and impactful changes in this software release, there are a few more minor changes you might want to be aware of.
- Improved guidance on how to restore functionality after the e-stop has been engaged
- Resolved a bug to re-enable the “Zoom to Part” icon in the Parts List, which allows a user in the Print Prep UI to select a part from the parts list and zoom the view directly to it
- For M-series printers, added a motor speed limit of 1000 mm/hr for the first 500 µm of print height to avoid triggering a motor fault; if a print plan has been adjusted to attempt very high motor speeds in the early slices of a build (rare), such settings may be limited by this safety measure (L1 printers are not subject to this speed limit)*
- For the M3 printer, released various system-level changes and minor bug resolutions to improve overall functional robustness (no impacts to the user experience or to print plans)
We love hearing from you about your workflow, your parts, and how to improve. Keep your insightful feedback and ratings coming. We read them carefully and follow up when you request that we contact you. If you prefer real-time feedback, you can always email the Carbon Service Team, [email protected].
* Edited 5/5/2022: This change was originally planned to impact all printers, and communicated as such. However, L1 printers are no longer included in this change. Additionally, the change was originally communicated as impacting the first one millimeter of print height. This is incorrect; the change actually impacts the first 500 µm of print height.
In this release, we’ve included the following improvements to your print process:
- None
- Adjusted oxygen settings to remove erroneous oxygen alerts that caused some prints to unnecessarily abort
If you have any questions, please contact the Carbon Service Team at [email protected].
We are working vigorously to make our software more reliable and stable for your M3 printer. As part of that process, we are happy to release a new version of the v1.35 printer software to you (version v1.35-1234.75). This software version includes a change to reduce the prevalence of erroneous oxygen alerts that caused some prints to unnecessarily abort.
This new version of software will be available and you will be prompted in the Carbon User Interface to update on Monday, July 11, 2022.
We love hearing from you about your workflow, your parts, and how to improve. Keep your insightful feedback and ratings coming. We read them carefully and follow up when you request that we contact you. If you prefer real-time feedback, you can always email the Carbon Service Team, [email protected].