Tools and Features
All Tools & Features are summarized below to help you assess what you need for your application. Review this list and then click the title to read the detailed information for the feature.

Adaptivity Analyzes thickness measurements and provides a recommended maximum cell size.

Add Shape Adds a basic shape (cube, cylinder or sphere) to assist in creating multiple zones without additional CAD work in your original part file.

Analysis Analyzes a strut lattice to provide adaptivity feeback on the cell size(s) used.

Apply Base Creates a flat surface on the base struts to ensure platform adhesion during printing. Accessed via Solidify

Automation Runs an automation program with specified input types via API. Contact Carbon for assistance

Boolean Operations Union, Difference, and Intersection can be used to create complex shapes using the interface of multiple input models.

Boundary Struts Allows you to set the diameter for all struts on the surface of the lattice. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Cell Size Adaptivity Enables better conformity to smaller features in the design space by allowing smaller cell sizes on the surface. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Combine Merges separate parts (individual STL mesh files) into one mesh file for printing.

Decimate Simplifies surface mesh complexity by reducing the number of vertices and triangles. Recommended for meshes >50MB.

Difference Removes the overlapping areas of one or more models from one specified model.

Edit Strut Lattice Deletes, modifies, or adds individual struts. Accessed via generated strut lattice mesh menu

Extract Patch Extracts a surface patch from a part to use in applicable tools & features. Accessed via related operations

Feature Edges Applies an additional strut to defined edges. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Hex Mesh Creates a hexahedron mesh for the lattice's 3-dimensional scaffold.

Intersection Creates a new model that is the overlapping area of two or more models.

Lattice Search Finds unit cells to meet the performance and aesthetic criteria for your designs in Design Engine's metamaterials library.

Offset Offsets the surface of a boundary mesh (design space) directly in the software at a specified distance.

Point Cloud Translates CSV point data into lattice parameters. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Remesh Outputs a new mesh with more regular triangles.

Rotate Rotates the input mesh (design space) to assist in getting the results you want from other tools & features.

Scale Scales the input mesh (design space) to assist in getting the results you want from other tools & features.

Sides per Strut Controls the number of facets comprising the cross section of a strut for a rounder aesthetic than the default of 6 sides. Accessed via Solidify

Solidify Converts a strut lattice to a printable STL mesh.

Strut Lattice Creates a strut lattice as a collection of lines and nodes per specified parameters.

Surface Isotropy Provides more pattern uniformity across the surface of the lattice. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Surface Tolerance Provides fine tuning of the lattice pattern on the surface. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Symmetry Allows choice of symmetry around a selected XYZ axis or plane. Accessed via Strut Lattice

Texture Applies noise or pattern texture to a part's surface.

Thickness Analyzes your design space and provides thickness measurements across the surface of a boundary mesh.

Translate Moves the input mesh (design space) along XYZ world coordinates.

Union Merges the overlapping areas of two or more models into a single model.

Trim Removes all material outside the specified boundary mesh.

Zones Applies different lattice parameters across multiple zones within your lattice. Accessed via Strut Lattice