Design Engine
Tools and Features
The design space will often perform better both functionally and aesthetically when symmetry is taken into account. Design Engine will allow you to choose a symmetry option that works best for the design.

STRUT LATTICE (operation)
- Advanced (tab)
- Surface Controls (sub-menu)
- Enable symmetry
Lattice symmetry can be applied around a plane or axis.
- Plane symmetry
- YZ plane
- XZ plane
- XY plane
- Rotational symmetry
- X axis
- Y axis
- Z axis

Position the design space in native CAD around the origin for best results.

Position CAD model around the origin for optimal options

Generate lattice with symmetry (processing approximately 5 min)
Note that the design space itself must have symmetry around the specified plane or axis for the feature to work properly.
Updated 22 Nov 2024
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